Ring Inside Diameter11(21 mm) Gold Tiger's Eye Carved Crystal Skull Ring, Realistic

Ring Inside Diameter11(21 mm) Gold Tiger's Eye Carved Crystal Skull Ring, Realistic

US $299

Item ID:4502341

Size:1.4"x1.1"x1.5" (35x28x39 mm)


Material:Gold Tiger's Eye

You are looking at a Gold Tiger's Eye skull bracelet.Ring Inside Diameter11(21 mm) This stone works much like Bloodstone in its link to the circulatory system. Beneficial in battling diseases of the blood and detoxifying blood-rich organs like the liver. It helps bring problems to light before they are a threat. Also used for protection, courage, energy. Help with blood, relieve anemia, stop bleeding, heal rashes and wounds. Red Jasper can be used at the Root Chakra and represents Earth, Physical identity, oriented to self-preservation. Located at the base of the spine, this chakra forms our foundation. It represents the element earth, and is therefore related to our survival instincts, and to our sense of grounding and connection to our bodies and the physical plane. Ideally this chakra brings us health, prosperity, security, and dynamic presence. The color for the root chakra is red and it is grounded with your power. Red stones are considered projecting stones and are used to destroy disease, strengthen conscious, courage, strength, physical energy, luck, and success. Dense, heavy, and/or opaque.

Gold Tiger's EyeGold Tiger's Eye

ORIGINSouth Africa HARDNESS7 NATURAL100% Natural
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  1. Ring Inside Diameter11(21 mm) Gold Tiger's Eye Carved Crystal Skull Ring, Realistic

  2. Ring Inside Diameter11(21 mm) Gold Tiger's Eye Carved Crystal Skull Ring, Realistic

  3. Ring Inside Diameter11(21 mm) Gold Tiger's Eye Carved Crystal Skull Ring, Realistic

  4. Ring Inside Diameter11(21 mm) Gold Tiger's Eye Carved Crystal Skull Ring, Realistic

  5. Ring Inside Diameter11(21 mm) Gold Tiger's Eye Carved Crystal Skull Ring, Realistic

  6. Ring Inside Diameter11(21 mm) Gold Tiger's Eye Carved Crystal Skull Ring, Realistic

  7. Ring Inside Diameter11(21 mm) Gold Tiger's Eye Carved Crystal Skull Ring, Realistic

  8. Ring Inside Diameter11(21 mm) Gold Tiger's Eye Carved Crystal Skull Ring, Realistic

  9. Ring Inside Diameter11(21 mm) Gold Tiger's Eye Carved Crystal Skull Ring, Realistic

  10. Ring Inside Diameter11(21 mm) Gold Tiger's Eye Carved Crystal Skull Ring, Realistic